Mark Christian

Mark Christian is a Post Doctoral research associate at Argonne National Laboratory with a passion for using science to positively impact the world. Whether it is through his research on the nexus of energy, water, and economics or his focus on mentoring the next generation of scientists, Mark believes that championing the use of science in the broader world is a catalyst for change.
He received his PhD in Energy Science and Engineering from the University of Tennessee, an interdisciplinary degree which provides students with the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research at the nearby Oak Ridge National Laboratory while pursuing simultaneous experience in Policy and Entrepreneurship. His graduate research into Hydropower Flow Measurement was supported by the Hydro Research Foundation and he is expanding on this during his Postdoctoral work by developing tools for industry to maximize the value and reliability of hydropower assets.
Mark Christian looks forward to working with C2ST to improve public engagement with the scientific process.