
Exelon 2020

Every source of energy available to us today has its own environmental impact. The responsibility of energy suppliers as well as policy makers is to recognize those impacts, work to abate them and price the full cost into the product.


Gene Patenting

This special program presents the science behind gene isolation and a panel of experts representing different viewpoints on this issue at the forefront of the public concern. A special addition to this program is a mock legal argument conducted by experienced patent trial lawyers introducing the key legal concepts involved in determining whether human genes should be patented.


Science of Obesity

Chicago-based scientists will present the current science of obesity, describing the various ways obesity harms the body and how our food choices can impact our health.


Water – The New Oil

As the demand for fresh water increases, we can no longer think of this natural resource as having an endless supply. Finding safe and environmentally sound ways to reuse our water is becoming an issue of international concern. Join Debra Shore, Commissioner for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District and C²ST in a frank discussion about Chicagoland’s most precious liquid asset.