Blog Post

A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words — A Look at Teaching Science With Comics

By Julia Turan

“Comics are like cookies, I may choose one over another but I love them all. It may have sweet potatoes in it but it’s still a cookie,” confessed MK Czerwiec, Registered Nurse and Medical Assistant, who loves to talk about the power of comics.

At “A Picture is Worth 1000 Words—Teaching Science With Comics,” MK Czerwiec opened the audience’s eyes to the field of science comics and their power.

Continue reading “A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words — A Look at Teaching Science With Comics”

Press Release

C2ST Speakeasy with William S. Higgins

Playback from Pluto: Recent News from NASA’s New Horizon Spacecraft at Geek Bar Chicago’s SCIENCE! Tuesday

There’s a treasure at the edge of the Solar System. It’s a data recorder, aboard the New Horizons spacecraft, slowly sending to Earth several gigabytes acquired during last summer’s flyby of Pluto. That information is still coming down. At the mission’s home base in Maryland, William S. Higgins witnessed the excitement during the encounter. Now he reviews results, downlinked in recent months that are illuminating the mysteries of Pluto, its five moons, and its neighborhood.

Continue reading “C2ST Speakeasy with William S. Higgins”


Dr. Herman White on “The Physics of Attraction”

On Sunday 24 January Artist In Residence Aaron Freeman will host a FREE online event, “Sciencing Valentine’s Day: 3 Angles of Attraction ” featuring Fermilab Physicist Herman White, University of Chicago Neuroscientist Peggy Mason and Gaples Institute Cardiologist Stephen DeVries. In this interview Dr. White give us a preview of his thought on the intersections of the forceso attraction in in physics and romance.

Women in STEM: Connect 2015


Mary Bauer is the Head Brewer of the Lagunitas Brewery in Chicago, IL. She grew up in Aurora, IL and graduated from Waubonsie Valley High School. Mary studied Chemistry and Food Science at the University of Illinois. She started her brewing career at Anheuser Busch InBev in their Research Pilot Brewery. She also spent three years at their Cartersville, GA brewery. Recently, Mary worked for Pepsi in the warehouse and quality departments but wanted to get back to her true passion… beer! Continue reading “Women in STEM: Connect 2015”