Press Release

The Metabolism of a Marathon

Running 26.2 miles.

The human body wasn’t exactly designed to accomplish this, let alone very easily.

The toll a marathon takes on a body cannot be taken lightly: the inflammatory storm caused in the body can wreak havoc, affecting myriad bodily functions. In order to achieve this feat of athleticism. one must prepare, with months of training and strategic planning.

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The Heart of Marine Biodiversity: Saving the Verde Island Passage

The area with the most diverse marine life on earth, an area with more documented species than any other place on the planet, is the Verde Island Passage. A ten-mile wide strait in the Philippines, this area lies at the heart of the Coral Triangle, an area in the western Pacific Ocean which includes the waters of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands. Continue reading “The Heart of Marine Biodiversity: Saving the Verde Island Passage”

Press Release

The Heart of Marine Biodiversity: Saving the Verde Island Passage

The area with the most diverse marine life on earth, an area with more documented species than any other place on the planet, is the Verde Island Passage. A ten-mile wide strait in the Philippines, this area lies at the heart of the Coral Triangle, an area in the western Pacific Ocean which includes the waters of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands.

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Blog Post

Interview with Dr. Christopher Holden

Dr. Christopher Holden, M.D., is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at the University Of Illinois College Of Medicine. He works as the Director of Addiction Services in the Department of Psychiatry at the university, and also as the Medical Director of the Substance Abuse Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program at the Jesse Brown VA. He is one of relatively few psychiatrists who is board certified in addiction psychiatry. After giving an excellent talk at our program “The Science of Addiction” earlier this year (see the trailer HERE, and the full video HERE), I caught up with him to ask some followup questions. Continue reading “Interview with Dr. Christopher Holden”