Blog Post

Precision Medicine: Using Computer Code To Analyze Genetic Code

By Robert Kriss

Sarah at five years-old was experiencing twenty-five seizures a day.  Her doctors had started to treat her with one drug, but when that did not work, they tried another, and another and another.  Sarah was taking four different drugs each day and still the seizures continued.  These drugs had worked for some people, but not for Sarah.

Continue reading “Precision Medicine: Using Computer Code To Analyze Genetic Code”

C2ST in the News

Local Farmers Will Replace Oil And Electric Companies, If A Purdue Prof Gets His Way

By Jeff McMahon, Opinion, Forbes

Originally published at:

Purdue researcher Rakesh Agrawal is leading work to develop solar cells that do not obstruct the light needed for crops to grow.

A Purdue University professor is developing a way for farmers to capture solar energy without blocking the sunlight their crops need.

The solar collectors being developed by Chemical Engineering Professor Rakesh Agrawal and his colleagues would capture infrared radiation for energy production while letting visible light pass through to crops.

Continue reading “Local Farmers Will Replace Oil And Electric Companies, If A Purdue Prof Gets His Way”

Press Release

Challenges and Opportunities in an Emerging Solar Economy

Challenges and Opportunities in an Emerging Solar Economy

Presented by Chicago Council on Science, IIT Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research (WISER), and Armour College of Engineering Departments of: Chemical and Biological Engineering; Civil and Architectural Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering; and Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering Continue reading “Challenges and Opportunities in an Emerging Solar Economy”


Personalized Medicine – One size does not fit all!

How can knowing your genetic code help you? Genetic conditions, ones you are born with or are predisposed to, affect people of all ages, race, and gender. The treatment for these conditions are not so universal and recent research shows that patient-specific treatment can produce a better response and reduce the risk of side effects. Continue reading “Personalized Medicine – One size does not fit all!”