
STEM Ask and Learn Series- March

As a part of our ongoing initiative to introduce students to STEM professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds, Horizon Pharma and The Chicago Council on Science and Technology visited Perspectives Math and Science Academy to talk to students about college and entering STEM fields. Watch the interview here and check for a new video each month. Learn more about our partners Horizon Pharma: Perspectives Math and Science Academy:


Blog Post

THE POWER OF ONE: How you can make a difference during STEM mentoring month

By Jenny Kopach

Originally published at:

I just returned from the Million Women Mentors Summit in Washington, D.C., where hundreds of mission-driven leaders from across the country convened to tackle the issue of closing the gender and skills gaps in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), particularly among women and girls.

The conference theme, “Becoming the Difference,” challenged each and every one of us to find and promote ways to shape the direction of a young person’s life. While 71% of today’s jobs require STEM skills, only 15% of girls (and 44% of boys) plan to pursue a career in STEM. But the power of one mentor can be the change: more than 75% of girls who have a mentor feel they will be successful pursuing a STEM career. Continue reading “THE POWER OF ONE: How you can make a difference during STEM mentoring month”


STEM Ask and Learn Series- February

As a part of our ongoing initiative to introduce students to STEM professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds, Horizon Pharma and The Chicago Council on Science and Technology visited Perspectives Math and Science Academy to talk to students about college and entering STEM fields. Watch the interview here and check for a new video each month. Learn more about our partners Horizon Pharma: Perspectives Math and Science Academy:


Array of Things

Chicago is growing smarter every day. Want to know how? “The Array of Things is a collaborative effort among leading scientists, universities, local government, and communities to collect real-time data on urban environment, infrastructure, and activity for research and public use.” Over one hundred nodes are installed throughout Chicago and more are being added all the time. Join the Array of Things project leader, Charlie Catlett, and Chicago’s Chief Information Officer, Danielle DuMerer, as they talk about the founding of the project and what they hope to achieve in the future. Learn what the Array of Things is, what information it collects, and how it will inform the future of our city.


Indigenous Science: Ethnobotany and Conservation Practices

The Illinois Bicentennial is an important marker for the history of Illinois citizens. A narrative that is often overlooked in history and science is that of Native Americans. To remedy this and enrich the Bicentennial celebration, C2ST, in partnership with the Trickster Gallery, Chicago City Markets and the Mitchell Museum, is hosting an Indigenous Science program. This program will be made up of a panel of qualified experts in ethnobotany, sustainability, and conservation. The panel discussion will be followed by a Q&A session with the audience and an interactive exhibit with examples of medicinal plants and herbs from the Trickster Gallery’s garden collection.

Continue reading “Indigenous Science: Ethnobotany and Conservation Practices”

Blog Post

Food Evolution: Advancing the GMO Debate

By Lauren M. Segal

Many question the integrity of science, but few understand how it works.

Dr. Naomi Oreskes, a professor of the History of Science at Harvard University, once said in her Ted Talk, “Why Should we Trust Scientists?”, that “at the end of the day, what science is—what scientific knowledge is, is the consensus of the scientific experts who through this process of organized scrutiny, collective scrutiny have judged the evidence and come to a conclusion about it either yea or nay.”

Continue reading “Food Evolution: Advancing the GMO Debate”