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Star Wars – the fight of the light side of the force against the dark side – is a story that has fascinated us for the last 40 years. A crucial part of this story is the unbelievable scientific and technological advances – traveling through hyperspace, lightsabers, holograms, the discovery of habitable planets – that fill the universe. Continue reading “The Science of Star Wars”
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED. Inclement weather has resulted in this program being canceled, stay tuned to and sign up for our email list for further updates regarding rescheduling of the program at a later date. Refunds will be issued shortly.
What can we learn from alien worlds? We humans, with our “project of civilization,” are a kind of cosmic teenager. We have power over ourselves and the planet, but no model to follow. In his talk, Dr. Adam Frank will show how our fate can best be understood in light of the stars. Continue reading “*CANCELED* Light of the Stars: Alien Worlds and the Fate of the Earth”
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Bionic limbs, robotic walking therapy, and brain stimulation are just some of the tools used to treat patients. Recent developments in the treatment of injuries and physical impairments have led to some amazing rehabilitation options for patients. Learn about the future of physical medicine and rehabilitation with our panel of experts in prosthetics, spinal cord injury, and cognitive and communication disorders. Continue reading “Bionics, Robotics, and the Future of Rehabilitation”