Fracking is a step in the production of gas and oil by the high pressure fragmentation of shale using water, sand and chemicals. Using fracking to produce shale oil and shale gas has the potential to make the United States largely independent of foreign sources of natural gas and significantly less dependent on foreign sources of oil. The major exploitation of shale oil and gas will depend on dealing with environmental concerns surrounding potential ground water contamination and water depletion that result from the fracking process.
Gerald D. Holder, PhD., US Steel Dean of Engineering and Professor of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Pittsburgh;
Trevor Smith, Program Manager, Unconventional Gas Sustainability, Gas Technology Institute;
Jordan Ciezobka, Completions/Project Engineer, Gas Technology Institute; and
John Anderson, PhD., President, Illinois Institute of Technology (moderator)
Topic Resources:
Future of fracking holds promise for U.S. energy outlook
The Fracturing of Pennsylvania
Millions Spent in Albany Fight to Drill for Gas
Natural Gas
How America Can Escape the Energy Trap
Drilling Down
Event Details
What: FRACKING – the quest for energy independence
When: Thursday January 19th, 2012
11:30am Registration & Box Lunch
12:30 Presentation
Where: Northwestern University
Hughes Auditorium
303 E. Superior
Fees: $20 members / $30 non-members / $10 students