Have you ever wondered why you organize your ducks in a row? It’s physics!
Ducklings swimming behind their mother in ponds and lakes is a common sight. Similarly, when we often see birds flying in a V-shape formation¹, this is to conserve energy. Each bird flies slightly above the bird in front of them to reduce wind resistance. But what about ducklings?
From the moment we’re born, we have already begun the process of aging. As we grow and mature, so do our cognitive abilities. Our cognitive abilities are the ways that our brain works to remember, reason, think, and pay attention. In fact, many of these skills peak within the first few decades of life. However, some of these abilities gradually decline over time. You may find yourself having a harder time remembering a fact or learning a new skill as you get older. This is a natural part of life, but it is not always the case. We see a phenomenon in some individuals called “super-agers”¹. These super-agers are people who are in their 70’s or 80’s and have a remarkably good memory. So good that their memory rivals that of people in their 50’s or 60’s! But just what is the secret to living a long life without any diminishing cognitive abilities?
Previously, C2ST published an article explaining unconscious bias. This bias can manifest itself in different ways, including in the representation of minorities in media and scientific research. The recent successes of Shang-Chi: Legend of the Ten Rings and Squid Game have shown the commercial and critical viability of Asian or Asian-American led productions, but there is an alternate side to that success. While these incredible shows have brought joy and success to many Asian Americans, only a year ago many Asian Americans were the targets of harassment due to the perceived, albeit unfounded, connections between Asian-Americans and the origin/transmission of the COVID-19.
By Summer Seligmann, C2ST Intern, Loyola University
Before baby birds even begin to observe the world around them, they are already able to learn certain behaviors. Over the last decade, studies on early development of bird communication have shown that learning can begin much earlier than previously thought. In some bird species, song learning starts with an unhatched egg.
Diane Colombelli-Negrel, a behavioral ecologist from Flinders University, did not intend to make this discovery. She was recording bird calls and noticed thatmother superb fairy-wrens, a type of small bird from Australia, were singing to their unhatched eggs. After studying this peculiar behavior, researchers found that mother wrenssing to their eggs to teach them a song, and surprisingly, the unhatched birds learn it. The sounds they learn are crucial to their survival after they hatch, especially when dealing with pesky cuckoo birds.
Earth’s climate system is complex. The system comprises interactions between Earth’s landmasses, the oceans, the ecosystems, the atmosphere, and even the sun. Despite those complexities, one alarming fact remains clear: the climate is changing, and is projected to continue changing. Projections suggest the melting of the polar ice caps, rising sea levels, and extremes in rainfall patterns. But how are scientists able to make these projections? How do scientists even begin to approach the daunting task of modeling and making predictions about such a large, complex system like Earth’s climate?
The animal kingdom can be cut-throat, as friendship is not found in all animal species generally speaking. Animals of the same species can have acquaintances and animals of different species have also been observed to form bonds. But is this friendship? For a long time, scientists shied away from even using the term “friendship” in the context of animal bonds. It was believed that animals mainly had short-term, goal-oriented relations to satisfy their current needs (e.g., access to food or mates). This is similar to a business transaction, and begs the question, “Is there a benefit to investing time and energy into making friends?” In short, the answer is yes!Continue reading “Bats of a Feather Stick Together”