Blog Post

Synopsis of “The Threat of Superbugs”

By Julia Turan

Around the turn of the 20th century, the world witnessed the birth of what they thought was an almighty cure: the antibiotic. “We became convinced overnight that nothing was beyond reach for the future. Medicine was off and running,” wrote Lewis Thomas, a physician and essayist, in his autobiography.

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Blog Post

Synopsis of “Plants: how we use ’em, and how we don’t lose ’em”

By Julia Turan

Last month, at the usual classy, mood-lighted Geek Bar, Jessica B. Turner, plant researcher and enthusiast reminded listeners not to forget about the plant kingdom. These photosynthesizing organisms are essential to our lives and our planet.

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Blog Post

Large Hadron Collider is back in action!

By Dr. Mark Oreglia

On Easter Sunday beam began to circulate again in CERN’s Large Hadron Collider.  The world’s highest energy particle accelerator resumed operation after a two year shutdown to modify its magnets so it can collide protons at twice the former energy.  At half the energy, LHC “Run 1” discovered the Higgs boson; now scientists are excited to have a more powerful instrument to learn more about the Higgs boson and possibly see evidence of the Dark Matter in the universe (if it is due to a particle that can be produced in LHC proton collisions, of course). Continue reading “Large Hadron Collider is back in action!”

Blog Post

Darwin Didn’t

By Chris Eppig

To commemorate Darwin Day (February 12), I thought I’d talk a little bit about Charles Darwin (1809-1882); perhaps the most important biologist ever to live. More to the point, I’d like to dispel the myth that he discovered evolution.

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Blog Post

Synopsis of Decoding the New Science and Math Standards

By Sally Whitaker

In recent years, there has been movement towards a common, centralized set of standards across the United States which has led to the implementation of the Common Core in 43 states. The emphasis of the Common Core is on math and literacy, which left a need for a set of science standards as well. This led to the development of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and together these standards are helping to shape modern education, while also spurring much debate over the goals and outcomes of education. Continue reading “Synopsis of Decoding the New Science and Math Standards”

Blog Post

What Does It Mean To Be Supernatural?

By Chris Eppig

Halloween is coming up, and popular culture is being filled its annual dose of references to the supernatural (including the recent season premier of the showSupernatural, which is probably not a coincidence). Ghosts, monsters, black magick, vampires, witches, and others all fall under this umbrella of “the supernatural.”

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