Blog Post

Rethinking the BRAIN

By Julia Turan

BRAIN. No longer just a word to describe the three-pound hunk inside your skull. As of April 2013, “BRAIN” is also a White House initiative- Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies. What exactly are researchers hoping to discover and how are they going about this? Chicago Council on Science and Technology hosted a panel discussion on the BRAIN Initiative this fall, and in it they set out to tackle these questions, and consider the current landscape of neuroscience research.

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Blog Post

What Causes Greed?

By Chris Eppig

*Before we begin, be sure to read my post on the naturalistic fallacy. Science cannot condemn or justify any behavior — it can only identify the behavior and explain why it exists. In this post I will attempt to explain greed as I understand it, without mixing in any of my own ideology or the ideology of anyone else.

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Blog Post

Synopsis of “The Neuroscience of Addiction”

By Julia Turan

You just received news that your best friend has a “chronic relapsing brain disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences” (1).  Would it surprise you that this is just a lengthy definition for addiction?

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Blog Post

Synopsis of “Genes and Germs: The Battle that Defines Us.”

By Julia Turan

As we go about our days, it’s easy to forget the cells, molecules, and organs silently ticking, keeping us alive and hopefully well. One of the most intricate of these biological teams is our immune system.

Continue reading “Synopsis of “Genes and Germs: The Battle that Defines Us.””