Blog Post

Precision Medicine: Using Computer Code To Analyze Genetic Code

By Robert Kriss

Sarah at five years-old was experiencing twenty-five seizures a day.  Her doctors had started to treat her with one drug, but when that did not work, they tried another, and another and another.  Sarah was taking four different drugs each day and still the seizures continued.  These drugs had worked for some people, but not for Sarah.

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Blog Post

Evolutionary History, One Map at a Time

By Kristen Hynds-Witte

At its minimum, a map is a directional aid. At its best, a map is a detailed excursion into our history and our future. With the advancement of DNA and computational technologies, researchers and private companies are now building maps to understand our evolutionary and ancestral origins.

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Blog Post

Celebrating C2ST’s 10th Anniversary

By Mariel Tishma

The Chicago Council on Science and Technology, or C2ST, has spent the past decade working towards its mission of a community engaged with science. Pursuing that goal hasn’t been simple, and has required the work of dedicated people from day one. In C2ST’s case, four founders—Alan Schriesheim, Jon Miller, Paul Knappenberger, and Bradley Moore—laid the groundwork. In 2005, they came together with one simple idea. They would create an organization to connect the public with science and the scientific community with itself. Continue reading “Celebrating C2ST’s 10th Anniversary”

Blog Post

Energy Education Gives Veterans a New Mission

By Dan Misch

The U.S. military is the single largest consumer of energy resources in the world. In 2016, the Department of Defense’s total energy use was three times more than the rest of the U.S. government and 5 percent of the entire country’s energy consumption. In comparison to other countries, the Department would independently rank as the 20th largest consumer in the world, trailing behind Mexico, Australia, and South Africa.

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Blog Post

We Need to Do Something About Vulnerable Elections

By Sanford (Sandy) Morganstein

What I’m about to discuss here should not be taken as any kind of partisan sour grapes. I can prove that…the experts I quote in this article have been worried about this issue for more than ten years…through elections of Democrats and Republicans.

Bottom line: While we have no proof that any vote was ever changed by any nefarious actor, either foreign or domestic, our electoral systems are not secure systems.

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C2ST — A Personal View

By Jessica Turner-Skoff

Almost every aspect of our day-to-day life is impacted by science and technology: from the food we eat, to the cars we drive, to our medical needs, to our interactions with each other (hello, online dating!). However, there is a lag between the use of science and the general understanding of it. That is the beauty of C2ST. For ten years they have served as a liaison to the public, by making programing and information available to the 8.5 million people of the Chicago metropolitan region.

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