Blog Post

COVID-19 Update

By C2ST Staff

Northwestern University, Argonne National Laboratory, the University of Chicago, and other C2ST partner organizations are at the forefront of the search for a cure or vaccine for COVID-19. Several of these organizations are tracking the spread of the virus while developing strategies for stopping it. In the meantime, these organizations are offering practical tips for protecting yourself and others from the virus. Over the next several weeks, we will be sending you links to the information prepared by these institutions. Additionally, we’d like to keep you in the loop on what these organizations and others are doing to fight COVID-19.

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Blog Post

The War Against COVID-19 Rages On In Chicago And Beyond

By Larry Adams, C2ST Volunteer

In the fight against the fast moving, fast evolving, and highly contagious coronavirus (COVID-19), public and private entities around the world are marshaling their resources to halt the disease. These activities are occurring even as the numbers of cases spike upwards. Continue reading “The War Against COVID-19 Rages On In Chicago And Beyond”

Blog Post

COVID-19 Update

Dear friends of C2ST,

The global spread of COVID-19 has become a source of concern, stress, and disruption for businesses, families, and organizations big and small. We understand that the situation in Chicago is not yet dire, but we are also aware that preventative measures need to be taken to keep it that way.

That being said, we are in the beginning stages of an audit of our programs and public appearances over the coming weeks. We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely, and should things begin to change here in Chicago, we will notify you of any changes made to our schedule.

We take public health and safety very seriously here at C2ST and the last thing we want is to contribute in any way to the spread of both the virus and the fear or uncertainty that comes with it.

Please keep an eye on our social media platforms for immediate updates. Emails will surely follow if necessary. In the meantime, please practice proper hygiene and social distancing techniques. And most importantly, stay positive!

Blog Post

A Dam Good Idea to Transition to Renewable Energy

By Robert J. Kriss, C2ST Editor

We know how to generate electricity from solar and wind energy, but we haven’t figured out how to provide electricity at night or on cloudy or calm days relying solely on renewable energy. Some politicians and environmental activists talk like we can and should take all nuclear power plants and fossil-fuel plants off-line immediately. That just isn’t possible yet. The pace of change must quicken, but we can’t lose sight of the fact that we have a ways to go to develop the technology necessary to save our planet. For anyone interested in curbing global warming, the focus should be on how to promote the development of new technologies to keep the lights, heat and air-conditioning on all the time. Continue reading “A Dam Good Idea to Transition to Renewable Energy”

Blog Post

Save the Date for the 2020 Science in the City Gala

Save the date for our Science in the City Gala 2020

Sponsored by the Manne Research Institute


On Thursday, May 21 the Chicago Council on Science and Technology will hold our largest fundraising event of 2020: Science in the City. The evening supports C2ST’s mission and the full spectrum of our programming. Your support is critical to our mission.

Continue reading “Save the Date for the 2020 Science in the City Gala”

Blog Post

Chicago “Hard-Tech” Tackles Global Warming

By Robert J. Kriss, C2ST Editor

In a notable line from the 1967 movie, “The Graduate,” a savvy businessman takes a recent college graduate played by Dustin Hoffman into a quiet room at a party to give him a hot tip for his future. The businessman says he has a single word for the graduate — “plastics.” Today, the word might be “batteries.”  Continue reading “Chicago “Hard-Tech” Tackles Global Warming”