Blog Post

How You Can Help Fight Climate Change in the Chicago Area

By Zuri McClelland, C2ST Aux-Board Member

The Earth’s climate is changing more rapidly than we could have ever expected. To keep up with the production of food and goods, we have produced a massive amount of gases, like carbon dioxide (CO2), that fill our atmosphere. These gases capture a significant amount of the radiation reflected from the Earth’s surface trapping heat energy, ultimately warming up the planet. This is called the greenhouse effect. Over the course of decades, scientists have seen an increase in global temperature due to this phenomenon. As a result, the polar ice caps have melted, sea levels have risen and weather patterns have changed. The effect on humankind and the animal kingdom is already underway but we’ll continue to see changes that may affect all living matter on Earth.  Continue reading “How You Can Help Fight Climate Change in the Chicago Area”

Blog Post

Changing The Shape Of The “Molecular Key” That COVID-19 Uses to Enter Human Cells

By Robert Kriss, C2ST Editor

Scientists are attacking the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus, which causes Covid-19, from two different angles. One approach is to develop a vaccine to prevent infection. The other approach is to find a cure for people already infected. 

Continue reading “Changing The Shape Of The “Molecular Key” That COVID-19 Uses to Enter Human Cells”

Blog Post

From Spirits to Sanitizer: KOVAL Distillery Q&A

By C2ST Staff

As the COVID-19 epidemic rages on, many businesses around the world are struggling to stay afloat. But despite the enormous challenges inherent to operating in these trying times, some businesses are figuring out new ways to serve their communities. KOVAL Distillery is one such company. A Chicago-based distiller of whiskeys and gins since 2008, KOVAL is now a full-time hand sanitizer production facility. With the generous help of Chicagoans and people from around the world, KOVAL has been able to rapidly scale up production and distribution to police and fire departments, hospitals, and other organizations in need.

We spoke with KOVAL co-founder and president, Dr. Sonat Birnecker Hart about KOVAL’s new normal and how folks can help the cause. Continue reading “From Spirits to Sanitizer: KOVAL Distillery Q&A”

Blog Post

Science From the Frontlines

By C2ST Staff

Dear friends of C2ST,

Given the growing threat of COVID-19, C2ST is implementing large-scale changes to the way our organization will interact with Chicago residents for the foreseeable future. As you may have seen by now, we have cancelled many of our upcoming in-person events. This now includes our annual “Science in the City” Gala. 

As much as it breaks our hearts to do this, we know that it is the right decision to make at this time. Beyond preventing us from interacting with our wonderful friends and supporters, we will also be losing out on what is our most important yearly fundraising opportunity–the gala is historically where we generate a great deal of our funds to be used for upcoming programming.

In order to adapt to these changes while maintaining our mission to provide science and technology education to the Chicago area, C2ST will host “Science From the Frontlines,” an ongoing series of virtual events tackling topics such as vaccines, public health, community best practices, and other subjects relevant to the COVID-19 epidemic. This series of virtual events will also serve as a fundraiser for C2ST and frontline efforts to combat COVID-19.

While we are concerned about our continued well-being as an organization, we know that our community is also in peril. To make sure we are doing our part for the community, 50% of all donations from the “Science From the Frontlines” series will be split between selected organizations involved in the fight against COVID-19. When you make a donation during this campaign, not only will you be ensuring that cutting-edge science will be accessible to the public, but you will also be helping the effort to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Please keep an eye on our event pages and stay tuned for details about our upcoming programs and fundraising efforts. We look forward to seeing you online!

Please consider contributing to Science From the Frontlines by heading here.

Blog Post

Chicago Area Scientists and Research Facilities Are Developing Cures And Strategies for Dealing With The Pandemic

Comment by Robert Kriss, C2ST Editor

This linked article from Argonne National Laboratory provides an exciting snapshot of several science and technology initiatives that will help us stop the COVID-19 pandemic. As you will read in more detail, one group of researchers is making progress finding a cure for the infection.  Another group is developing a statistical model to help policy makers make good decisions regarding social distancing and other mitigation efforts to flatten the curve. Finally, other technologists are figuring out how to keep the supply chains working so that grocery shelves are stocked, the lights stay on and we can enjoy the other basics of life while we battle on.

As you will see, there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic that we will get control of the pandemic soon and eventually neutralize this virus. In the meantime, let’s all keep pulling together to keep our distance and give the doctors, scientists and public officials the extra time they need to do their jobs.

Read the article in full here.