Save the date for Thursday, May 1st! The Chicago Council on Science and Technology will hold our largest fundraising event of the year: the Science in the City Gala. Join us as we celebrate excellent public STEM outreach with academic and industry leaders, educators, community members, and young professionals from across Chicagoland.
Guests will engage with each other and C2ST’s leadership throughout the evening as we showcase new innovative research and science communication leaders from the area’s scientific institutions.
This event includes the return of our popular Speed Networking activity, a Chicago STEM Landscape panel, fund-a-program live donation dash, and our 2025 awards presentation. (In addition to heavy appetizers, beer, and wine!)
The evening supports C2ST’s mission and full spectrum of programming.
Attire: Business/Cocktail
Young professional ticket rates are available, if you are interested then: email to obtain a discount code.
This year we will host a Chicago STEM Landscape panel where we will have speakers from some of the most important corners of Chicago’s STEM Landscape, including experts and leaders from the Quantum, Water, Agriculture, Energy and AI Chicago spheres. For more details on the specific speakers, stay tuned as we will announce them individually on our social media!
The Chicago Council on Science and Technology will honor individuals with an “Advancing the Public Understanding of Science & Technology Award” with the “Lifetime Achievement Award” as well as the “Young Professional Award.” C2ST created this award series in 2011 to honor individuals who share in the passion and mission of the organization—to increase the awareness of the great R&D taking place in our region. We are also continuing our “Impact Awards” with the Social Impact, Innovative Research, and Synergy Awards. This award series honors outstanding organizations and individuals who have had a great impact in the Chicagoland STEM ecosystem in the last few years.
View past awardees here.
Want to support C2ST through an in-kind donation or sponsorship? Your contribution will support a vital STEM resource in the region and be acknowledged through all of our public-facing channels. Full details on sponsorship available here. Donations can be securely made via our Aplos page here. Please contact us at with any questions.
Event Details
5:00 pm: Registration and Open Networking
5:30 pm: Chicago STEM Landscape Panel
6:15 pm: Speed Networking
6:45 pm: Awards Ceremony
7:15 pm: Open Networking
8:00 pm: Event Concludes