Drug Discovery: Ingenuity or Serendipity?

March 10, 2011

Northwestern University Chicago Campus, Hughes Auditorium
303 East Superior Street, Chicago, IL, United States


Lately, it seems not a month goes by without the news of another groundbreaking or life extending drug being released to market. From blood pressure to osteoporosis and everything in between, medicines are being approved and stocked at your local pharmacy. But why does it take so long to get that new drug to the corner Walgreens? What must researchers do to get a drug considered for approval? What is the FDA’s role in this process? Is drug discovery an ingenious process or is it mostly just dumb luck?

C2ST is proud to present Northwestern University Professor of Chemistry Dr. Richard Silverman, as he explains what it takes to get a new drug to market and attempts to answer the question posed by the lecture title.

Event Details

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Northwestern University
Chicago Campus
Hughes Auditorium
303 East Superior
5pm Reception & Registration
6pm Presentation

$10 Advance Reg / $15 Door / $5 Student

Discounted parking will be made available to the first 50 attendees at the 222 E. Huron St. garage: Parking Map